My Wallpaper | Arte Creative

You can see and download this wallpaper on Arte Creative

LUKS Magazine

Chilean Wax

A spanish/german paper with columns from

the Chilean journalist Rodrigo Guendelman illustrated by me.

Also to find on Newspaper Club

Die Zeit

Logo - Chancen

Altona 93

Project, Verga

10 Illustrators drawing and printing for 2 weeks in Verga, Greece

The result an exhibition and a book. 

Genealogical tree Pro-heraldica

2nd place on the design-contest "Genealogical tree"  for the companie Pro Heraldica

Frozen Charlie

"Puppe" is part of the comic-book and films "Frozen Charlie" / Mami-Verlag 2010

A piece from the film was also used on the episode 4, min 06:07

for the serie "About: Kate" by Arte.

Klick here to see it.
